Friday, November 20, 2015

Individual Pokemon Analysis - Entei

Hey guys! So as per request, I'm doing a Pokemon analysis on Entei. Entei has always been a confusing Pokemon for me (and I've been using it on almost every team lately), and that's because of it's very specific niche, and also the fact that it can work in several situations despite that niche.

Base Stats

At Lv. 50At Lv. 100
175 - 222340 - 434
108 - 183211 - 361
81 - 150157 - 295
85 - 156166 - 306
72 - 139139 - 273
94 - 167184 - 328

As you can see, Entei's base stats are pretty average overall, with nothing sticking out. That however, by no means a bad thing, as it means that it is a fairly well rounded Pokemon.

Entei has the coveted, yet cluttered speed stat of 100, which can be very nice for getting over Pokemon such as Landorus-T, Arcanine, and Kangaskhan prior to Mega Evolution. This blessing is also a curse, as it puts you at a tie with Pokemon such as post-Mega Kangaskhan, and below Pokemon like Garchomp and Mega Metagross.

Entei also has respectable bulk, with a bit of investment it can survive Adamant Landrorus' spread Earthquake, and bulky Rotom-W's Hydro Pump.  Jolly Nature seems almost mandatory in order for Entei to do its job effectively, and get off timely burns. However World Championships Top 4 Competitor Naohito Mizobachi would disagree, as he used an Adamant Entei with significant bulk invested into it.

Usable Moves

-Sacred Fire: A must have on Entei. There is absolutely no reason for you to be using Entei without it. It can do solid damage, as well as getting a potentially crucial burn.

-Stone Edge: In my opinion, if you arn't using Stone Edge, you might as well be using another Fire Type such as Arcanine. Stone Edge gives you a nice way to hit Pokemon like Thundurus and Salamence for solid damage, as well as opposing Fire Types.

-Protect: A mandatory move, as it allows you to basically stall a turn for burn damage, or just for the general uses. Protect is Protect

-Substitute:  Another certainly viable move. Allows Entei to function similarly to how HEatran used to function early in the season. This can help endgame situations, or even just make Entei more of a priority to KO to your opponent.

-Snarl: This helps several different match ups, but it is rather situation and very team specific. Snarl should only be used on teams with problems to common Pokemon such as Sylveon and even Heatran.

-Will-o-Wisp: A relatively weaker option in my opinion, This is only used when you desperately need that burn onto your opponents Landorus and Azumarill. In my opinion, you should just be using Arcanine at that point.

-Toxic: This is a cool option that has been used lately. This is probably the best option for Entei to beat Calm Mind Cresselia as well as bulky Water types, both of which are big problems for Entei.

-Rest: This is a good option to recover off all your lost HP, when used with a Chesto Berry, this can turn around some momentum and make your opponents efforts in vain. This helps against Amoonguss as well, but should only be used with a Chesto Berry.

Usable Items

-Safety Goggles: My personal favorite item. This allows you to become an an Amoonguss counter, as well as help in several other match ups against Breloom and such. This set decimates Amoonguss + Kangakshan, and helps against Amoonguss + Azumarill as well.

-Leftovers: This should really only be used by sets that want to go the Substitute route. Once again, this allows Entei to function similarly to Heatran, but obviously different in aspects of Attacking Stat and Speed.

-Sitrus Berry: Sitrus Berry adds just a bit of short-term bulk. It may come in handy, but a lot of the attacks that are going to be activating Sitrus, will be 2HKO'ing through it anyway, such as Landorus' Earthquake and Heatran's Earth Power.

-Charcoal: Now this is probably the mosti interesting item I will ever recommend. It has only had one notable use, and that was on Luka Trejgut (Zephyl)'s  Fort Wayne Senior Division winning team. It adds some extra damage, allowing you to OHKO Amoonguss and 2HKO Landorus at -1 without having to snag a burn.

-Chesto Berry: Helps with the set that utilizes Rest. This also helps you Amoonguss match up if your Safety Goggles are taken, but obviously not to the same degree.


Entei simply can't touch them hard. Sure you can burn a Rotom-W or Milotic, but afterwards Stone Edge isn't doing enough damage to beat them, especially since most carry a recovery move or item. If you carry Toxic, this problem can be alleviated to a certain degree, and won't be helping too much very fast.

Entei once again, can't hit Heatran for good damage. Snarl helps this a bit, but by no means is a solid answer. This match up requires smart playing with Entei's team mares in order to do well.

Sample Sets

Naohito Mizobachi's 2015 World Championships Top 4 Entei

Entei @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: (Unknown)
Adamant Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Sacred Fire
- Stone Edge
As you can see here, Naohito went with a slower Entei, probably investing on a bit more bulk and attack. 

My Entei from Lancaster Regionals

Entei @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 36 HP / 124 Atk / 44 Def / 52 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Snarl
- Sacred Fire
- Stone Edge

My Entei was very team specific. As you see I had Snarl, which was to help my horrid Heatran match up. The spread takes some attacks like a spread Landorus' Earthquake and a bulky Rotom-W's Hydro Pump. 

Luka Trejgut (Zephyl)'s from Fort Wayne Regionals

Entei @ Charcoal
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Protect
- Substitute
- Sacred Fire
- Stone Edge

Essentially here Luka wanted a more offensive variant of Entei, and it ended up working for him. I was skeptical at first, but the damage output really turned me onto it. I definitely recommend testing it out.

Thank you guys for reading! I had a great time writing this, and the next analysis will probably be up next time I have free time during class, or during a free block. I have a few already in the works, so look out!

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